Friday, January 2, 2015

Visiting Kennedy Space Center.

Last Friday I visited Kennedy Space Center on cape Canaveral.
That is my second time in KSC after 10 years break. A lot of things have changed, a lot of new staff have been added.

Astro-sphere. You can rotate the huge stony ball to see all biggest stars and famous constellations of the skies.

KSC is now a home for old shuttle "Atlantis".
Fuel tanks of the Shuttle look like a big bomb from a cartoon "Despicable me".

The Shuttle itself with opened gates.

Bottom of the Shuttle. Looks like a body of fairy tale dragon.

Captured an astronaut out in space.

In the Shuttle exhibit we've visited "Shuttle launching" simulator. Accordingly to narrators it is the closest simulation of a shuttle real launch. I'd say it was very realistic. I've definitely felt more than 1G, I could fill weight of the skin on my face.

Unfortunately I did not purchased my tickets "in-advance" and when we were in KSC all special tours were already sold out. So, we just took a trip to Saturn rocket.
That picture I've made from a bus. That is one of the first American rockets.

Whole cape Canaveral is a big swamp surrounded by jungles. Only 10% of territory is actually used by NASA for roads and facilities.

 Vehicle Assembly Building. Shuttles and rockets are assembled there in vertical position and then transported to their launch pads by special platforms.
On that picture you can see two largest doors in the world.

Bus tour was to "Saturn V" rocket pavilion, which is fully dedicated for Apollo mission.
On a picture is real command center which has been used for launching Saturn rockets to the Moon.

Inside of a bus, which brought Apollo astronauts to a rocket.

Model of the Saturn rocket with explanation of dedication of each it's stage.

Main fuel module (the real one)

The head of the rocket (also real)

Very tip of the rocket is a returning capsule.

Real Apollo astronauts return capsule.

Here are some artifacts from the Apollo mission.
Couple of Moon stones.

One of prototypes of astronauts' moon suits.

Lunar vehicle astronauts used.

Landing module.

Inside of the command module

That is the main artifact of my visit. Picture of real landing on the Moon.
I've seen it by my own eyes and caught by my own camera.
Can anybody call in question the Moon landing now?
(sorry for the bad quality, I did not have tripod and had to make photos from space)

That is current launching facility. I assume that is where will be the launch of ISS re-supply mission on January 6th.

Astronaut Charles "Sam" Gemar gives his autograph.

New generation of space landing vehicle. Continuation of shuttle idea.

That is a new Orion space craft capsule. It will be mounted on a top of Delta IV rocket.
More info:

Also we visited Mars exploration pavilion.
That is first Mars rover "Sojourner" landed in 1997. I'd compare it to the size of a dog.

Second generation of mars rovers "Spirit" and "Opportunity". They landed in 2004 and "Opportunity" is still working!!!
The size of a bear.

Latest "Curiosity" rover. Landed in 2012 and has a size of tiny car.

That is newest generation of martian vehicles will transport people on the red planet.

Did not read the sign, but I assume that is a Mercury mission landing capsule.

One of the first Saturn type rockets.

Rocket park in Christmas lights.

Little fountain in a rain. Kids love it during the summer time because it changes it's pattern unpredictably.

Old Soviet Soyuz module. I assume the one which was used to join Apollo spacecraft in 1975 mission.

The end.
Unfortunately the day was so short and time flew so fast that I've missed a lot of good picture spots.

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