Thursday, January 16, 2014

Double Moon Movie and Extra

It looks like clear night I spend outside and at cloudy evening I render videos and post pictures.

Rising Full Moon and Jupiter

Full Moon

The Moon on a Parking lot
The Moon and Orion

The Moon and Trees

Moon branches
Moon Nest

Moon behind trees

Jupiter moons



Jupiter moons again

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Moon and Jupiter at closest Approach

 Moon and Jupiter met in Gemini

Red line - Ecliptic, Green - approximate path of the Moon

Temperature dropped and water condensed in the air making a halo around the Moon.

In couple of days Moon will be full.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Moon Video

My first Time-Lapse video


As you can see Moon travels this time little below the Ecliptic

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Antares Cygnus Orbiter-1 Launch

I came on Wallops Island VA for the Antares launch at noon on January 8th.
I've checked the news before I go, there was nothing about a cancellation.

There were a lot of people like me, who came with whole family from as far as Richmond VA.

Here is what I've seen then. That is
Launch pad with Antares Cygnus rocket
Bridge to the Wallops Island
Because there was no launch e went to Space Port Info center/museum
There were some older models of rockets

Two planes were in training nearby

They were training landing on a Carrier
Even it was about 25 degrees, weather was wonderful and I enjoyed view of the moon.

Here I am on January 9th. I was the first one who came to the spot.
Crowd is slowly growing
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Helicopter is checking out the facility
Pilots also checked our spot too

Cars were parked down the road
Whole crowd is about couple of hundred people
Moon is little bit off of launch pad today.

Trying to get picture through my telescope
And here is the launch
Birds just realized that something is going on.

In just a few minutes rocket was already in space

Huge Sunspots from Wallops island

While I was waiting for Antares launch I observed huge Sunspots, which actually were visible by naked eye.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Moon, Jupiter, Orion

There was 12 degrees that night, but I spend about 2 hours observing the Moon and Jupiter.

Jupiter and plane.

Can see all four moons and nearby star

Orion Nebula

Jupiter, Orion and a plane.